I provide support and supervision for staff across health, education, social work and the 3rd sector. After a career in clinical mental health, social work & corporate employee roles I can use a variety of methods to suit your career stage and any organisational requirements (if provided through your employer). I use structured reflective practice including staff trauma-informed approaches. We’ll discuss your strengths, challenges, goals, wellbeing and work-life balance. You’ll have an opportunity to reflect on and explore your professional practice, and dynamics with colleagues, agencies and the people you support.
Kolb's adult learning cycle underpins this pragmatic approach tailored to the supervisee's learning style. Subsequent work by people such as Tony Morrison, Brigid Proctor, John Heron, Peter Hawkins, Liz Beddoe and Aisling McMahon are used to give a range of perspectives and tools.
Taking reflective practice one stage further this uses a 35 year old structured model developed by Peter Hawkins and colleagues over the years called the 7 eyed model, which supports trauma informed working effectively. This is great for pulling apart the mess when supporting others with high levels of distress. We can helicopter up in our minds for a bigger picture view. We unpack person centred and case management approaches, relational dynamics and vicarious trauma. We will locate dynamics from different sources from interpersonal to interagency levels. This includes continual feedback about the supervisory relationship itself..
This is great for recurrent and difficult problems that need a deeper dive. Using your own individual and developmental and past experiences to see how your cognitive models are interacting with clients, colleagues and bosses in an analysis of how we get drawn into repeating relationship patterns, called 'reciprocal roles'.
Support for workers and teams experiencing crisis and burnout that looks much more at individual needs than professional practice. This can be informed by simple creative action practices that can mean using either small objects or a whole room to consider something problematic and see it as an observer. Examples of this include working in miniature, and social atom work. This could also be informed by Internal Family Systems thinking which can help us to work with the idea of listening to the 'parts' we may not like or feel are unacceptable and asking what motivates them and what needs that part might express or represent.
Exploring how our culture, class, gender, age, sexual and religious or spiritual identities intersect to form values systems and how that helps us create meaning through our work and concepts such as 'compassion fatigue' versus 'compassion satisfaction', exploring ideas around Adler's life tasks to reflect or philosophies such as stoicism, druidry or nature practices or secular mindfulness practices to support our own wellbeing.
For Mental health or social work practitioners, I use my own lived experience and many decades of biopsychosocial, rights based and therapeutic practice in these areas to help problem support complex cases, reflect on norms, regulatory and organisational expectations and return to the values and ethics that brought us to this point.
*If your employer isn't covering supervision costs, and you can't afford the advertised rates, please get in touch.
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